
it's the monday after friday...of my review!!

how did it go?? WWEEEELLLL....it went really well. the reviewers liked the process, the progress, the proposal in general...i did a little celebrating this weekend by doing something i hadn't done in a long long long time.....SLEEP!!!

funny thing is this, my computer has grown a personality and right now he hates me...i tried to give him the weekend off...but i need to make sure that i can make back-up copies today of the files that were GI-NORMOUS[if giant and enormous had a love-child it would be gi-normous]

so this is the goal of today....back it up before my laptop gets mad at me again....

after all we've been through i really want to name him, suggestions are welcome...
i'll post photos of the files once i back them up[aka later today]


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