

*Know that i rarely if EVER use this word b/c when i use it, those four letters hold all of the indignation that is physically within me...so when i use the word HATE i mean that i wish that biblical proportions of crap could fall out of the sky and land smack dab on the faces nay the open mouths of every member of the financial aid department of tulane...strike that...just enough crap to make them extremely uncomfortable, but not enough that they wouldn't be able to FINALLY process my REFUND check of $3000 so that i can actually put money in my negative balanced account, pay off the $1000 that i owe upenn, have my tire fixed since i've been driving around on a donut for the last week, stop my constant grocery buying at the gas station, and end my diet that is comprimised of bean burritos, lays chips, and cigarrettes....
In other words i am so broke right now i have been rocking out on the supermodel diet of cigarettes and diet coke...i am not holding my breath on Karl Lagerfeld calling me back though...


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