
Christopher Walken: Say it, baby!

Will Ferrell: And, Bobby, you are right - I am being selfish. But the last time I checked, we don't have a whole lot of songs that feature the cowbell.

Christopher Walken: I gotta have more cowbell, baby!

Will Ferrel: ..and I'll be doing myself a disservice -- [begins to slightly laugh. Jimmy Fallon turns away and bites down on his drumstick to keep from laughing] -- and every member in this band, if I don't perform the hell out of this.

Christopher Walken: Guess what? I got a fever! And the only prescription.. is more cowbell!

I'm a quitter...

this is going to be a little difficult...but it can't be worse than thesis...and i made it through that!
but i need all of you guys' assistance and support!!

friday, june 30th 2006
i, erin michelle keith,am quitting smoking altogether. done. cash in the nicotine chips i'm leaving the table...when i go to a convienence store i'm purchasing packs of GUM!!!

i've been taking that medication that is supposed to help you quit...and it has to kind of build up in your system to REALLY start working...and it's working.

cigarettes taste REALLY discusting to me now...i can barely even finish one let alone a pack a day(which is what i was doing before)

i'm chewing gum to stave off any oral fixation---yes i have one...i chew and crunch ice, i grind my teeth sometimes,i used to chew on pen tops--yes i know that's gross but smoking is grosser than all of those things combined...

no more smoking in my car

i'm switching to diet cokes and tea since coffee always makes me want a cigarrette[they call that a trigger]

so i've set the date: Friday, June 30th...
and THIS way...i KNOW that July will be so much better than June...because i'll feel healthier, join a gym[mainly b/c i got really anxious and restless for the first 2 weeks after quitting if not even longer...] formally and maybe even start swim training again[which DEFINITELY requires a good deep breath!]

so anyways...i don't want to make it that big of a deal...b/c u want to think of it as a simple little alteration in my life...the big alterations scare me a bit so i'm thinking of it as not that big of a deal....
it's going to be like switching haircare products...or getting a mini-make over where i try a new and different style of dress...
a little weird...a little different...but not bad...
no big deal...simple and easy...

PLEASE, DO NOT MAKE ALL THAT BIG OF A DEAL ABOUT IT FOR AT LEAST A MONTH OR SO[when you see me]!!! PRETTY PRETTY PLEASE!!!....one of my smoking triggers is realizing how long it's been since i smoked...it's much better for me to just "forget" to smoke....

Thanks upfront for your support...i'm going to be a little hyperactive and anxious for around 3 days...and then i'll calm back down[it takes 3 days for nicotine to flush completely out of the system to where you won't crave it as much...]

July is going to be a GREAT month...i can sense it already!!
have a great tuesday kids. =)


Random Tangent # 1: Bettie Page

You are Bettie Page
Girl next door with a wild streak
You're a famous beauty - with unique look
And the people like you are cultish about it
What Famous Pinup Are You?


yeah so my dance card is full for the weekend--HEY!! i've been working really hard, it's time to do some play hard...and i'm going to have to take photos of THIS stuff...should be interesting!


"prom" party...gotta find a dress, but i already have a date: jack daniels[it's a bring your own mixer for the booze type party]

picture colorful dresses with poofy sleeves[a la REALLY BAD brides maids dresses & off-color tuxes/suits],purple balloons and crepe paper circa 1991...going to be GREAT!

"not your regular friday night party"
--house party that starts after the prom...oh the looks i'm going to get when i'm all dressed up coming back from "prom" -- AFTER PARTY!!!

brunch with josie/ clean-up apartment/grocery shopping prep

wake up/cook/prepare for my dinner party @ 6:30...

and i thought that i could relax this weekend....you know sometimes it sucks to be this popular ;)[trust me when i say i'm joking....this is the most exciting weekend i've had since i went back to texas....crazy crazy weekend might i add..]

song of the weekend: prince--party like it's 1999--you knew that was coming...


since i've shown you avatars of my kids from tulane[http://randomtangentsbyerin.blogspot.com/2005/12/drawn-together-new-orleans-via.html]...now i've made avatars of my kids from texas:

--martin & esther

--alexis & jesse
--ronnie & kim
--lou --theresa
--kendra & jared
--jason & katy
--christina g.
and me:


got more projects to share!!! [got another cd of my work]

this was from architects week[TSA's way of getting the students out of the studio]
steve cassell-from ARO-juried and OUR TEAM WON!!! [oops! did i just drop that??]

ok...i want to mention that i went to penn[and had k.kaseman] b/c it might help me actually get a job...but i don't want to come across as a a**hole....

dispense all your all-knowing wisdome here...

"My advice to you is do what your parents did....GET A JOB SIR!!"

this is supposed to keep me self motivated and on the portfolio track...


Song of the Day:
"Do you like pina coladas and getting caught in the rain...."

that's it. today it is decided.
i am going to start to write a how-to book for embarrassing situations....
"A no-holds-bar manual on how to feel like a fool in every situation"

the first technique[how to get male/female attention...b/c hey any attention is good attention...right? no wait...that's publicity.] :

don't check the weather reports as you get dressed. make sure that you wear the one white shirt that you own that does not have any lining to it....OH...and don't forget the bright white bra...[**THE BRA IS KEY** and the thinner the better]

THEN[and this is the most crucial part] park far away from the place that you are needing to go[b/c in your romanticized notions you love to walk through a park on the way to school], and leave your umbrella in the car...then...if you can time things just perfectly so that you get caught in the downpour that is adding significantly to the inches of rain fall to your respective region[especially in new orleans]...

after hiding under the sparse foliage of trees scattered along the way...proceed to make a break for the nearest campus building foyer just as you think the rain is going to let up but then gets harder as you are running...again try to time it so that you are walking up to the building right as a class of 18-21 year olds [mainly men] are getting out of class...

wring out your hair, try to cover your unintended wet t-shirt entry, and let the embarrassment begin...

if you want to up the anty, you can again try to make a break for your intended building while it's still raining--you have things you have to do right...deadlines don't wait on rain... [ AND b/c standing around in a drenched, clinging see-through t-shirt in front of STRANGERS is not embarrassing enough]
then as you are approaching your building, looking like you just jumped into a pool with your clothes on[which is way more fun] make sure to come across your thesis advisor and talk for a bit...who before that moment you questioned his sexual prefrence...[no more mind you...he's straight]

to make it even better...proceed directly to the bathroom to "towel off" a second time....but then make sure that your computer lab is unbelievably FREEZING....

Use these techniques there is not a doubt in my mind that you will get ALL SORTS of attention...and feel like a cold, still damp, moron.

BUT HEY!! it's only monday....the rest of the week is waiting for your new and untried antics....

[this could only get better if i were to catch a cold in the next day or so...and i'm already sneezing]


To her the name of father was another name for love.
-Fanny Fern

Happy Father's Day !!



[cue the opening of the heavens and the angelic music]

[cue the release of 25 white doves]


**please note that the first page is the back cover, the second page is the front cover, and the rest of the pages are meant to be viewed in pairs...as in facing pages...it's format is 8 x 10...
AND since i lost my harddrive and am waiting for cds of my other projects from my profs, my thesis is the only project i've formatted to my new portfolio but the aesthetic will be consistent throughout all the projects[aka brackets & lines to take you from one idea to the next...text will be minimal--PLEASE REMEBER THIS IS A job portfolio ONLY---NOT FOR GRAD SCHOOLS]


ok kids...
i spent almost an hour on trying to make the portfolio shots web optimized...i'm going to bed...BUT IF YOU CAN WAIT UNTIL LATER TODAY....

I hereby swear to upload pictures of my portfolio on THIS DAY, June 15th, 2006.

can you handle the suspense??

A friend of mine recently[as in today] got his eames chair that he bought and loves it very much...and as i am nervous about posting pictures of my portfolio[and the fact that it is 4am]....i dedicate this post to a man and his chair: may you sit a thousand times and it never break....

"Save me a Seat : the life and times of a chair man"


Random Tangent # 325: thoughts on feeling like a character on "sex and the city"

this is a personal submission to the cyberspace community...just some observations about life and matters of the heart...

i don't know what it is...maybe nothing, maybe summer, who knows....but i've gotten into so many different conversations recently about various matters of the heart: sex, dating, relationships, positions...with various degrees of "vulgarity" and directness...

but what the hell...it's apart of human nature right?? gay, straight, bi-sexual, whatever...we all end up having the same concerns, the same issues, the same [basic]situations:

-does he/she like me?
-how much do i actually like him/her?
-why didn't he/she call me back?
-we had a great time on our date...but then a couple of days later...
-so we tried this thing i'd never done before...and it was AWESOME...[fill in your own blank--this is a pg-13 rating]
-so we've been dating for a long time now...and we're talking about what we're planning to do in the next 6 months to a year...
-so this guy/girl walked into the bar last night and i said to myself "choo choo! this booty train is making a stop!"

we seem to all know the answers to other areas of our lives, the process needed to recieve the keys of success...
the "how-to"s of how to get a job, how to be financially stable, how to put together a bookcase, how to learn hebrew, how to how to find whatever you want...in the age of information you are always within internet access, reading material, or a phone call within someone who knows EXACTLY what to do....or at least suggestions that are highly regarded by those who have already gotten to where you want to be....
and i guess that DOES go for matters of the heart...so many books have been written, pages and pages of html dedicated to finding your other half anywhere in the world via internet[connecting people...hehehehehhe] etc..

similar themes always emerge...if they didn't then every comedian wouldn't joke about the seemingly archaic nature of men and the ridiculously complex nature of women, sex and the city wouldn't be such a popular show and we wouldn't be able to say "she is more of a carrie than samantha..." or "so and so is my Mr. Big", and pride and prejudice, shakespeare, and many other writers and prolifically telling quotes of love and lust would not ring so true to our specifically personal situations....whole genres of literature, music, and art of every kind are dedicated to it..

but for all the "themes" and "rules" and "advice" do we really have the answers?
why is it that we can sometimes give the BEST of advice to our friends and family about matters of the heart...but can't see past the end of our own noses to turn that keen insight towards ourselves and our situation...

it's so funny how even the smartest, most intellegent of us can become completely DUMBFOUNDED by matters of the heart...one could argue that it's the final frontier...the still great unknown...

whether you date one at a time, two at a time, or even three at a time...onesomes, twosomes, threesomes, orgies...we all want essentially the same thing...to be happy[and to get a little something something]...right?

to have success in our careers, to have a great social life...and someone to share it all with...throw a dog or cat in there too while you're at it...

that someone that curls our toes when you kiss them, that person that seems to have their own soundtrack when they enter a room, that someone that seems to make the worst day better, that someone that gets you in a way that's so creepily intuitive that it's REALLY cool...

and even all of our "list"s are pretty similar...right?
attractive, funny, smart, polite, fun, caring....but in that generic list we don't ever list the type of traits that make someone the most attractive...that one single[or in most cases] multiple little things that in the right combination make things just right...it's always more than beautiful eyes, or a great smile...[or in my case...dimples...i'm such a sucker for dimples...tell me about how much of a personality that you DO NOT have, but say it with dimples...]

the point of all of this is kind of lost, it's such a big nebulous thing[sex, dating and love that is]that there seems to be no right or wrong answer, ever...there is no moral of the story other than a quote from a prince song[and yes i'm taking it there...]

"boy versus girl in the world series of love"

so as i throw out the first pitch[well not the first pitch since this seems to be the general theme of things, people, conversations, etc.]....good luck to us all...there are no real rules...and even if there were i'm sure we've all broken a couple...so yeah...throw them out the window already...

i'm still bargaining with the devil for love potion # 2...let alone #9

now if i could only find out what the writers have in store next for that "erin" character....