
Random Tangent # 325: thoughts on feeling like a character on "sex and the city"

this is a personal submission to the cyberspace community...just some observations about life and matters of the heart...

i don't know what it is...maybe nothing, maybe summer, who knows....but i've gotten into so many different conversations recently about various matters of the heart: sex, dating, relationships, positions...with various degrees of "vulgarity" and directness...

but what the hell...it's apart of human nature right?? gay, straight, bi-sexual, whatever...we all end up having the same concerns, the same issues, the same [basic]situations:

-does he/she like me?
-how much do i actually like him/her?
-why didn't he/she call me back?
-we had a great time on our date...but then a couple of days later...
-so we tried this thing i'd never done before...and it was AWESOME...[fill in your own blank--this is a pg-13 rating]
-so we've been dating for a long time now...and we're talking about what we're planning to do in the next 6 months to a year...
-so this guy/girl walked into the bar last night and i said to myself "choo choo! this booty train is making a stop!"

we seem to all know the answers to other areas of our lives, the process needed to recieve the keys of success...
the "how-to"s of how to get a job, how to be financially stable, how to put together a bookcase, how to learn hebrew, how to how to find whatever you want...in the age of information you are always within internet access, reading material, or a phone call within someone who knows EXACTLY what to do....or at least suggestions that are highly regarded by those who have already gotten to where you want to be....
and i guess that DOES go for matters of the heart...so many books have been written, pages and pages of html dedicated to finding your other half anywhere in the world via internet[connecting people...hehehehehhe] etc..

similar themes always emerge...if they didn't then every comedian wouldn't joke about the seemingly archaic nature of men and the ridiculously complex nature of women, sex and the city wouldn't be such a popular show and we wouldn't be able to say "she is more of a carrie than samantha..." or "so and so is my Mr. Big", and pride and prejudice, shakespeare, and many other writers and prolifically telling quotes of love and lust would not ring so true to our specifically personal situations....whole genres of literature, music, and art of every kind are dedicated to it..

but for all the "themes" and "rules" and "advice" do we really have the answers?
why is it that we can sometimes give the BEST of advice to our friends and family about matters of the heart...but can't see past the end of our own noses to turn that keen insight towards ourselves and our situation...

it's so funny how even the smartest, most intellegent of us can become completely DUMBFOUNDED by matters of the heart...one could argue that it's the final frontier...the still great unknown...

whether you date one at a time, two at a time, or even three at a time...onesomes, twosomes, threesomes, orgies...we all want essentially the same thing...to be happy[and to get a little something something]...right?

to have success in our careers, to have a great social life...and someone to share it all with...throw a dog or cat in there too while you're at it...

that someone that curls our toes when you kiss them, that person that seems to have their own soundtrack when they enter a room, that someone that seems to make the worst day better, that someone that gets you in a way that's so creepily intuitive that it's REALLY cool...

and even all of our "list"s are pretty similar...right?
attractive, funny, smart, polite, fun, caring....but in that generic list we don't ever list the type of traits that make someone the most attractive...that one single[or in most cases] multiple little things that in the right combination make things just right...it's always more than beautiful eyes, or a great smile...[or in my case...dimples...i'm such a sucker for dimples...tell me about how much of a personality that you DO NOT have, but say it with dimples...]

the point of all of this is kind of lost, it's such a big nebulous thing[sex, dating and love that is]that there seems to be no right or wrong answer, ever...there is no moral of the story other than a quote from a prince song[and yes i'm taking it there...]

"boy versus girl in the world series of love"

so as i throw out the first pitch[well not the first pitch since this seems to be the general theme of things, people, conversations, etc.]....good luck to us all...there are no real rules...and even if there were i'm sure we've all broken a couple...so yeah...throw them out the window already...

i'm still bargaining with the devil for love potion # 2...let alone #9

now if i could only find out what the writers have in store next for that "erin" character....


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